Whose "To-Do" List Is This Anyway?
Through my habitual scrolling through social media today (oh the struggle... sigh), I ran across a post ... "God will transform you when you obey Him." It literally stopped me mid scroll and God spoke to me right then and there. I've been distracted by various things lately. None of which are bad, in and of themselves. These things are basically on MY "to-do" list (and that list can be long for dreamers! Ha!) I've been focused on these things and have ignored God's nudge to accomplish some things on HIS "to-do" list for me. HIS "to-do" lists are those tasks that cause us to say no to ourselves at times and yes to others. They may cause us to get out of our comfort zone and make a few sacrifices. Yes, they may even call us to go beyond what others view as "normal"!
It is satan who loves to distract us and feed our selfishness. He will get us sidetracked with anything he can ... pretty much the easiest job ever! (Your ways are clever, satan, but not impressive!) He pretty much customizes his bait with our interests or our weaknesses in an attempt to get our eyes off Jesus and on to ourselves. Sadly, his ploy often works. It often works when we haven't filled our hearts with God's word or spent time in prayer with a grateful heart before our Lord. We get busy (or get lazy) and find ourselves making our own kind of happy... settling instead of experiencing the best He has for us.
In the past, I've been amazed at what God will do when I obey the smallest of things He says to do. I know you've been there too. You realize that there is more joy in checking off His "to-do" list than you could ever receive from checking those boxes on your own list. He will even open the biggest doors wen we say no to ourselves and yes to Him. Isn't it just like God to love us like that? God has so much good for us. We can't even comprehend all the good, now and beyond. We are not "giving up" anything by laying down our "to do" list and picking up His. We can trust that His plans are good for us and that His timing is perfect. I hope this inspires you, as it did me, to loosen your grip on whatever you've been holding too tightly. In fact, just lay it down and take hold of what God would have you so uniquely do! You can trust Him with your dreams, your plans and your future. There is also unquenchable joy in adventuring with God. What an honor to be given a customized "to do" list from the Creator Himself. It is a gift, meant for you and to share with others! And you know how God's goodness works ... just when you start to forget about your own list, you may just find Him checking things off your list of dreams ... better than you ever could have!
"For the Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11