God of the Impossible
I was reading about "older than dirt" Abraham this morning. God had promised Abraham that he would be the "father of many nations". Yet, at the time of this promise, Abraham did not have children. I love the way the Bible words this story in Romans 4:18 - 19...
"Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, 'so shall your offspring be'. WITHOUT WEAKENING in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead, since he was about a hundred years old and Sarah's womb was also dead."
Don't you love that wording and Abraham's reality check?? He and Sarah were wayyy up there in age and yet promised a child. Just to put it in perspective, verse 19 says, "his body was as good as dead". I'm sure Abraham was thinking something like ... well, if nothing else proves God is real, then THIS sure will! It made me think of the "seemingly impossibles" in my own life... The big and small things that I can't imagine working out. Honestly, sometimes I have thoughts of God being able to work certain things out, but not really others. Situations are categorized into the "doable" and "not happening" categories. Maybe I just categorize them based on my own ability to make them happen, without the thought of trusting God in the first place. Truth is, on my own, most things seem "not doable", as I look back on past failures or think of my own willpower ... which stinks ... bad!
Then there are the things that I have seen God work out in my own life and the lives of others that WERE legit "impossibles"! I'm talking about situations were people post a story on social media and the comments that follow are "only God". These times remind us that the things in our "not happening" category, could in fact ... HAPPEN! The broken relationship mended, the sin that's taken us far away forgiven, past mistakes met with grace, bad habits conquered, "lost" family members "found", sadness turned to joy, "closed doors" opened .... you name it and these are the impossibles that God can turn into miracles. And He does! Each time we see His power at work, it renews our faith and reminds us that He can handle the next situation, and the next and the next!
When I look back over some "impossibles" that God has worked out in my life, I see how obedience has played a part. God in no way, shape or form is dependent on me to show His power. He is all powerful and I love this statment in Luke 18:27 ... "Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with man is possible with God'." So thankful for that. I do think, however, that our obedience plays a part in God working out the "impossibles", in His own perfect timing. "The Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord gives grace and glory; No good thing does He with hold form those who walk uprightly."- Psalm 84:11. Of course sometimes God's answer is "no" for our own good or for His purpose. But then other times, God does beautiful things in our lives that blow us away because He sees our hearts are in love with Him and our actions are in line with His word. It's almost like the picture of being a parent (with wayyy more perfection than my parenting skills! ha!). When our kids are disobedient, we still love them, but we are waiting on them to make good choices before we pour out our ever loving goodness on them! But when we see them obey because they love us and want to please us, its like you want to smother them in hugs, kisses, kindness and goodness. It's pure parenting pride and joy on another level. Matthew 7:11 says, "So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him." I think Abraham's life was an example of walking in obedience and God doing the impossible because of it, I love how Abraham just trusted and obeyed, even in a situation that definitely qualified as crazy impossible. So, as Paul Harvey used to say .... "Here'ssss the REST of the story" (and if your reading and wondering who Paul Harvey is, it means I'm close to "old as dirt" too!) Anyway ...
"Yet he (Abraham) did not waver in unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. Being fully persuaded that God had power to do what He had promised. This is why it was credited to him as righteousness. The words, "it was credited to him" were written not for him alone, but for us, to whom God will credit righteousness for us who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." Romans 4: 20-25
Don't you appreciate Abraham's response to this situation, even more so because of his age? At approximately 100 years old, he was "FULLY persuaded" that God could do what He said He would, as crazy impossible as it sounded. What in your life feels crazy, hopeless and impossible? I've been reminded to make a new list of some situations. It's a list that only requires one category ... Possibilities!!! Our situations are more than just "doable" with God orchestrating it. I read one verse that preceded this story that I had never read before. It's so good that I cant believe it hasn't been one of those well known verses painted or printed on everything! In verse 17, God is described as ...
"the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were."
... And I will just leave it at that! No words seem more fitting or beautiful than this description of our God!