Seasons Change

I once read the quote, "seasons change and so do we." I'm sure there is a more technical reason in His divine plan, but I think God also created physical seasons throughout the year because He knew we needed change. During the winter, we enjoy the snow (actually, in the South, we just enjoy pictures of snow. Although, we do enjoy the occasional flake.) Because of winter, we look forward to the spring. Spring brings us summer days and after months of summer heat (and life size mosquitoes), the fall is welcomed and creates an excitement for all things cozy and cool ... and flannel, football and good hair days! I personally am a fall/winter girl. And although I prefer winter, there are things I love about summer. I think it's the same for seasons in life. Some seasons of life may be tough, but they are ever changing and we change right along with them.

Last year was a season of change for our family. Major health issues have been an ever present part of my sweet Mama's life for years. Although my parents are strong in faith and love, the mental and physical affects of those years were leaving them discouraged more and more. My husband (Neil) and I hurt for them and wanted to help. We spent several months praying about the possibility of me leaving my job as an RN in order to help my parents more. In addition to helping, I was in a place in life where I needed and longed for change. (But that's a whole other post! Ha.) So anyway, in the late summer of 2016, I said goodbye to some awesome co-workers, put my uniform away and trashed my beloved, worn out nursing shoes of 12 years (not kidding about the shoes!) To be honest, I entered this season with a bit of uncertainty and a lot of, hmmm...what shall we call it?..."raw emotion"! Our daughter had just graduated from high school two months earlier and my "mama heart" already felt vulnerable. Actually, it felt like my heart had been wrung out and hung out to dry. I had entered this new season with a bit of selfishness as well. Thoughts filled my mind. "What about this RN degree?", "What about the lack of funds?", "What would I do with my time that would seem purposeful?", "How would I deal with seeing my Mama in pain every second of the day?" Her pain was always easier to watch from a distance. At a distance I could fool myself into thinking that she felt as good as her voice sounded on a quick phone call. Every question, and then some, flooded my mind. With every thought, this "answered prayer" seemed like a really uncertain season unfolding. Was the Lord really sure about all this? Had we heard him correctly?

As the weeks passed in my new "position", I began to see the Lord's perfect plan unfold. The eyes of my worn out and discouraged parents lit up on the days we spent together. That RN degree was put to use as my mama now had her own personal nurse. I am actually sitting at my parent's house right now as I write this. Mama and I have spent the morning talking and laughing. Daddy spent the day running a few errands and may have stopped by his beloved D.G. (Dollar General! Ha!) Mama woke up from a rest in pain and tears this afternoon, as it literally hurts her to turn from one side to the other. It is heartbreaking to watch. As I lay beside her, rubbing her arms and re-positioning pillows to relieve pain, I was reminded how all-knowing our Heavenly Father is and how perfect His plans are for His children. He so perfectly knew that our family needed this season to minister to each other. What once felt like an uneasy season unfolding, turned out to be a blessing in my life that I will always cherish. Time spent with my precious parents has been an absolute gift and they have ministered to my heart as well.

Seasons can be uncertain and that can just be straight up scary! What season of life and circumstances do you find yourself in? Is it the bitter cold sting of a broken relationship or the scorching anger of an unfair situation? Is it the harsh winds of change that have blown you off track or looming clouds of depression that have cast a shadow on your soul? Are you in a refreshing place of contentment or dry place of discontentment?  Maybe the forecast of a medical diagnosis has left you scared. Maybe the forecast of a exciting new season is ahead for you. Whatever season you find yourself in, Jesus is already there. He's ready and waiting to be your source of direction, peace and strength. He is not a Monday through Friday, 8 - 5 kind of Father. He's ever present in our mountain top moments and deepest valleys, and anywhere in between. I want to encourage you, not with my words, but with a few of God's perfect promises.

"Fear not, for I am with you; Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10.

 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1.


Not only is He present in our seasons, it seems as though He does His best "molding" in our lives during the uncertain and difficult moments. You know, those moments when we're forced to full out rely on Him because we're clueless as to what we should do next? It's these moments when we can't even come up with a "suggested plan" for God to fix things! (I'm so thankful He saves me from myself in these moments! Seriously, thank you Lord for not listening to my late night suggestions!) I'm thankful that the difficult times are not "wasted" when God is in control. As you walk through the seasons of life, don't waste a precious moment! It's easy and natural to want to throw in the towel or curl up in the fetal position ... with a gallon of ice cream! But God wants us to do our part and stay in the game with Him. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "REJOICE always. PRAY continually. GIVE THANKS in ALL circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." And while we rejoice, pray and give thanks, keep on obeying. Keep on choosing to do what is right, in the small things, even when it's tough (and it so can be tough).  "He replied, 'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it'." Luke 11:28. "Let us not become weary in doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9.

When we wait on Him, God can do beautiful things in ugly, uncertain seasons. He builds our faith and makes us better people. He carries and molds us. He transforms our very perspective, making us able to walk with those going through their own "valleys". I pray that whatever season you are in, you will look to God with eyes full of HOPE! He is with you (Deut. 31:6). He has a purpose for this season (Jeremiah 29:11). He will direct you (Proverbs 3:5-6). He meets you with understanding and wisdom (Proverbs 2:6). He longs to be gracious to you and waits to hear from you (Isaiah 30:18) ... so, love this verse! He is molding you for HIS purpose (Romans 12:2). Stay with Him in your season of uncertainty and keep the faith! "April showers bring May flowers!"

From my heart to yours,


(Photo by the talented & beautiful, Sarah Partain. Thanks, Sarah!)


Amanda Caston