Looking Forward

January 1st...the start of a new year! For many is signifies a fresh start...new goals, new perspective, freshly cleaned spaces, freshly signed gym memberships, the latest "must read" motivational book and the cutest little journel you ever did see. The "newness" of the year brings feelings that THIS will be our year! This will be the year that brings something different, something better than years gone by. We are belted in and ready for the ride. We are in the right gear to move forward. Just before taking off, we give one quick look into the rear view mirror. With one glance, however, we catch a glimpse of something that doesn't sit quite well. Our minds are suddenly taken away from the excitement of the journey ahead and we throw it in park. The view of that mistake from the previous year is still in sight. With a second glance, we see the missed opportunity that left us feeling like a failure 2 years ago. The pain of loss, hurt from a damaged relationship and that old habit we can't kick is in absolute plain view.  All the things we "unpacked from the last trip" feel like they are re-packed and sitting in the back seat for this journey. We never intentionally plan to invite satan on our "road trips" in life. However, he sneaks in. And at just the right time, pulls out one of his games.... getting us to look back. He knows our mistakes are objects that will discourage us and his message is as clear as the writing on our rear view mirrors ...."Objects ("mistakes") in the mirror are closer than they appear." 

Can I stop and just remind us of what satan is up to here? John 10:10a says, "The thief only comes to steal, kill and destroy." He comes to steal our joy, kill our hopes and destroy the unbelievable future that God has for His children. The second part of that verse is the very reason satan stays motivated to get us off course. Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life, and may have it abundantly." Jesus not only wants to be present in our lives, He wants to be a Friend and Father to us. He wants to take us on the "road trips" in life, where the only thing we see when we look back is His goodness! While a new year is a time of looking forward, it can be a time of healthy reflection as well. After all, we only learn from our mistakes and make improvements by looking back. What we see when we look back all depends on who we're "riding with". With one glance, satan condemns, discourages and tries to steer us off track. With Jesus, His invitation to reflect is so He can teach and remind us how far we've come because of His mercy! 

As we continue on this journey into 2017, lets choose our traveling partner wisely. Let's make it a "road trip" to remember...one where "Jesus takes the wheel". (I know. That was too much. But, how appropriate and I think Carrie would be proud! Ha!) Anyway, yes...let's make it a year where we don't look back with regret. Instead, let's look ahead and see all that God has for us when we honor Him and put Him in His rightful, deserving place in our lives. Finally, I came across this verse today. It was a reminder of how relevant God's word is.

"No, brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." Philippians 3:13


Ole Paul...he had a past and knew what regret was. Yet Paul had been so changed by God that He became one of the strongest witnesses for Christ in his time. Don't you love that Paul even said this?! It's like an inspiring quote from a movie. One of those quotes that last for years, like...."You complete me!" (insert heart emoji.)  Paul knew that a relationship with Jesus was a lifelong journey. And, it is! It's a daily decision to spend time talking and listening to Him. It's a life long cycle of knowing Him more, choosing to obey and honoring Him in all we do. Not gonna lie.... sometimes it's tough. Choosing to obey often means saying no to ourselves. Knowing Him more takes discipline to read His word. Seeing His power takes some waiting and trusting. But the more we choose to keep following, the more we know Him and see His unbelievable mercies! We are talking "mercies that will bring you to your knees in awe of His goodness" kind of mercies. It's just so neat to think that God has specific things He wants to do through us, for His glory. So, let's don't waste a minute looking back. Instead, let's choose Jesus every day and look forward to what lies ahead! His promises are endless and He is endlessly good!

From my heart to yours, 


Amanda Caston