Madison Sterling Jewelry Company

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"Not Today, Satan"

The rest of my jewelry parts arrived yesterday! Shortly after, the highly anticipated business cards that I've OB-SESSED over making (seriously. too much) arrived! I watched the tracking on these cards like a hawk and did a literal happy dance/squeal when the UPS truck pulled up! And while I am super happy over it all, I woke up this morning with that annoying little voice of satan in my ear. It's like he's sitting on my nightstand sometimes, ready to greet me in the morning ... not so much in a "scary, evil satan" kind of way. He tries to come across in more of a mischievous , "fun little devil" kind of way. He casually throws out phrases like ... "You know, girl, this just may not work. Then what are you gonna do? Do you realllly think God is going to help out with this silly little business? Doesn't He have bigger things going on? You aren't exactly qualified for this, are you? Does this all really have a "purpose" ... Hmm ... Hmm?" And just like that, I hear these words and consider that these lies could actually be true.  Doubt, worry and feelings of inadequacy pour in and sink into my heart. 

Satan really isn't AT ALL the funny little mischievous devil on our shoulder. Part of John 10:10 says that "satan comes to steal, kill and destroy."  He "lures" us in really sneaky, small ways that seem harmless. His schemes are endless and we fall easy for them if our eyes are not on the cross. Make no mistake. Satan is in for the kill ... my destruction and your destruction. God, on the other hand, has HUGE plans for His children. He has a unique mission that He created you perfectly for.  He gave you the personality, qualities, talents and skills needed to do big things for His kingdom. He promises you strength in your weaknesses and His presence for every step of your journey. Satan knows this and He's threatened by the thought of our "awe" when we see God work. He knows the impact we will make in someone's life if we follow "God's plan". The threat is REAL for satan.     

What lies have you been listening to? What is God's mission for you that Satan is trying to de-rail? What words of truth do you need to hear in the midst of satan's distractions? There are endless truths in God's word for you ... words to encourage you to KEEP MOVING FORWARD with God. In my doubt and worry this morning, God pointed me back to Proverbs 3:5-6 once again. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge (obey/consult/honor) Him and he will direct your path." There's absolutely no room for lies when we saturate our lives with God's amazing truth. I think I just may get that t-shirt I saw yesterday ... "Not Today, Satan"!