Madison Sterling Jewelry Company

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A little heart & soul encouragement!

Welcome to the blog! When this business journey began, I knew it would be more than just designing jewelry and "all things pretty". As details came together and plans unfolded, it became clear that the purpose was much bigger. While my passion for design & creating pretty jewelry is a part of this journey, my love for the Lord & passion for others to know Him is what gives meaning! It's my prayer that this blog will be a place of encouragement for you, as you read stories of God's goodness and promises, based on the verses in the Three Twenty Collection. I can assure you that the words I write are not those of a Biblical scholar, an expert "life coach" or from someone who has it all together. (And they definitely are not words from an expert in the "ways of grammar". I also struggle not having emojis to fully express myself, so I may excessively use exclamation points!) However, I can promise you that the words I share will always come from my heart. Most importantly, it will come from the true, relevant and perfect word of God. The words I write are simply from someone who has learned from her share of mistakes and failures, experienced God's grace, and felt His life-giving goodness firsthand! I pray you'll be encouraged and that we can strengthen our faith spite of grammatical errors and lack of appropriate emojis! So, here's to all that, friend! Happy 2017!

 From my heart to yours,
